Friday, November 22, 2013

Gingerbread Houses

 'tis the season!

I learned how to make these sweet little houses when my kids were in preschool (RCP - woot!!) and I've managed to room-mom my way into making them a part of almost every school Christmas Party my kids have had since then.  I almost panicked when I couldn't find "The Icing" recipe.  I know it will show up and I will put my tattered RCP original back where it belongs - in my actual recipe file ("what's that?" you ask?) instead of some special place I was sure to never forget.  Fortunately, I've emailed this to so many people over the years I found it in my sent folder from, oh a couple of years ago.  

I double it to make about 25 houses, then make a single batch for the kids to decorate with.  You can find meringue powder in the Wilton section of Michaels or Hobby Lobby.

Gingerbread Icing
3 Tbs. meringue powder
1 lb. powdered sugar
1/2 tsp. cream of tartar
3 1/2 oz. warm water.

Mix dry ingredients.  Add water and beat 7-10 min.
(I don’t think a single batch needs much more than 7 min or it will get too stiff – just check it and stop when you like the way it feels)

You can make it the night before, just put a damp paper towel over the top of it to  keep it from getting crusty.

I've seriously made 100's of these over the years.  Don't be scared.  If I can do it you can do it!  May our kids never outgrow the love of sprinkles & icing & gumdrops.

Merry Christmas!